BBYO UK Centennial Match Fund Campaign






From Sunday 16 June for one week we are asking everyone across the BBYO community to be a Team Captain and help BBYO raise £55,000, which will be matched by our amazing major donors. 

Team Captains will be asked to contact their friends, family, colleagues and anyone else to ask them to donate via their personal fundraising page. 

The more Team Captains we have, the more donations BBYO will receive, the more money we will raise and will then be matched!

Why donate to BBYO?

Our growing membership network need our programmes to give them the safe, welcoming and inclusive space that that they need to learn, grow, make friends for life and fulfil their potential. 

Don't take our word for it - here are comments directly from our members:

"I feel like I've shown the real me more than before"

"I don't know where I would be without BBYO. I have learnt so much and gained so much confidence along the way". 


"I found a new group of people who came to like me for me"


"You are encouraged to engage and put yourself out there and make new friends, in a supportive and inclusive environment."


"Attending regular BBYO programmes and Trek Israel made me feel more comfortable in making more friends and being able to talk to people I didn’t know."


"You were submersed in social situations with people you didn’t know (before) which by the end of camp didn’t feel at all nerve-racking, probably due to the confidence built up in doing so. Knowing that you could feel confident in new social situations at camp is easily transferable to social situations outside of camp"

You can also help us to achieve our goals!

I want to fundraise for this