Support the As Prescribed Impact Campaign

Good news!  We raised enough to complete Phase 2 of the film (Production)! Now on to Phase 3! There are four basic phases: Phase 1: Development, which involves putting elements and funding in place to begin filming.  Phase 2: Production. Production on As Prescribed began on August 6, 2014. We raised over $15,000 at the end of 2017, which gave us the funds to complete production. Now we move on to the next step: Edit/Post-Production.
Phase 3: Edit/Post-Production. We have already begun working on the rough assembly edit. The edit is a multi-step process: rough assembly, rough cut, fine cut, and final post (effects, titles). And then voilà! The film is ready for its release!

Phase 4: Marketing. The costs needed for release and distribution.

We need your help. We cannot do it without the support of people who care about getting this important film made. Please keep spreading the word, share the trailer, show people this website, or ask them to check out our Facebook page. And email us here:

*Key points to remember --

*Produced and directed by a benzo survivor*
*A film that will reach beyond the benzo community*
*A film that will make a difference!*