I would like to share with you the heartwarming journey of little Art Zhane.
He is a delightful 3-year-old boy in the Philippines, born with Down Syndrome, Epilepsy, and weak lungs. Due to his condition, Art Zhane requires expensive daily medication.
Art Zhane's father is a farmer, whose income depends on the harvest every two months. He earns around $78 per month at best. Art Zhane’s loving mother, chips in with about $15/month through the sale of vegetables. Despite their hard work, the family of four lives in a small, crowded home without running water. They rely on an inadequate well, which is a cause of concern for Art Zhane's well-being.
For this family providing Art Zhane with the basics - nourishing milk, diapers, and hygiene products - becomes a daily battle. Yet Art Zhane's parents ensure he and his sister have their essential needs met, often sacrificing their own comforts. This family needs our help.
Can you help us raise funds for the purchase of medicines, nourishing milk, vitamins, diapers, and other essentials for Art Zhane?
Whether you donate $5 or $500, every little bit helps.
Thank you for your support. I've included information about Maya's Hope below.
Maya’s Hope works to improve the quality of life of orphaned, impoverished, and special-needs children on a global scale.