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Credit/Debit Card
If you reside in the East End, write your street name here. If someone who resides in the East End asked you to give, write the name of THEIR street in the box below (i.e. 29th St. or Oakwood Ave).


Please fix the errors above.
By using Apple Pay, you will provide your name, e-mail and address.
By using Google Pay, you will provide your name, e-mail and address.
CVC CodeThe 3-4 digits on the back of your credit card
Enter the Zip/Postal code for your credit card billing address

Urban Hope, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) and can receive charitable contributions that are fully tax deductible. Our Federal Tax ID is 54-1997025. We meet all financial transparency standards of Guidestar’s Platinum Seal and welcome you to review our most recent 990 on our website.
Amazing Praise Online Giving Campaign 2023

Thank you for joining in the Amazing Praise Campaign to help provide safe, affordable housing for our neighbors. Our work has become all the more urgent and important and we cannot do it without your support.  This campaign celebrates all that God is doing among us in our city and we are grateful for your participation! Your gift goes a long way towards the work of our mission to make home the cornerstone of opportunity by keeping it affordable. 

Please also check out the other ministries that are participating in this year's campaign at