Aly's Monkey Movement

Aly’s Monkey Movement is a young girl's dream to change the world by raising money to

purchase stuffed animal monkeys to deliver to children all over the United States. These

children are experiencing something hard in their lives. Whether it be an illness, the loss of a

parent, or a house fire; Aly aims to provide a piece of comfort, or joy to the child in the midst of

their fear.

Aly’s Monkey Movement began in April 2019 and has since, been thriving on donations and

sponsors from all over the world who have come alongside of her during this movement. This

dream was driven by Aly’s own experience when she received a stuffed animal monkey from

her Nana while she was in the hospital and scared. That is when she received “Jack” her

monkey who has been her forever friend. There is something beautiful that occurs in a child’s

heart when they are gifted something that might bring them comfort and distract them from

the fear they’re feeling. Aly desires to grow that love amongst all of God’s children and spread

kindness all over the world.

Your donation changes the world, one monkey at a time. Thank you so much from all of us

here, at Aly’s Monkey Movement! <3 Aly, Kristy, Adam, Tyler, & Tenley

Donor Wall308

Don Baker | $30

Hunter Lubitz Duke PICU project

Osborne Angie | $20

Make my Monkey name Jimmy.

Amy | $100

I am purchasing 5 Monkeys for you to give out as needed. Please name them Jim, Jimmy, Lacey, Andrew and Ronna

Amber | $30

Brittney McHugh | $30

Hunter Lubitz Duke PCICU Project

Whitney Christensen | $20

Hunter Lubitz pediatric ICU project

Michelle Bitner

You are doing an amazing thing for children everywhere!


Thank you !!

Chet & Pat Creasy | $50

Thank You Aly & Team for All the Love you share🥰

Joanne | $20

1year ago, my son Mason received his Monkey "Banana Magnet" (he swallowed Magnets). It helped him throughout his hospital stay and surgery! This year, we want to help another child who needs that comfort when they are sick!!

Marie Bennett | $75

Tammy | $100

Cyndee Barkley | $50

Sherri and Keith Cipriani | $100

Robert Dawson | $50

Please accept this donation in the name of Cindy Allen

Terra Fasold | $20

In memory of Cindy Allen

Barbara | $20

William Stackhouse | $50

This donation is in the memory of Cindy Allen who passed away recently.

Debra Manning | $50

My daughter, Stella who is 8, saved her birthday and Christmas money and wanted to help kids who might be going through a difficult time.

Becky Declerck | $30/M

Dave & Mary | $500

James Kane | $50

In Memory of Cynthia Allen.

John & Marilyn Kelly | $30

John Dale | $50

In memory of Cindy Allen

Angela Ernzen | $525

This donation is in honor of Mara June Luthringer, age 5 who had Chiari Malformation surgery on September 16, 2021. Mara received a monkey which she took with her to the hospital for her surgery. This donation came from T-shirt sales and her and her parents wanted to give back.

Stephanie Phillips-Taggart | $50

Thanks for making a difference in this world!

Ronald Gross | $100

MAK, you are amazing!!!


Many thanks for all you do. Prayers and love to everyone struggling.

Rachelle Eddy | $500

Thank you Mak for your wonderful heart.

Teresa Schnuck | $50

I love you Makynlee! Love Nana and dude!