Aly's Monkey Movement

Aly’s Monkey Movement is a young girl's dream to change the world by raising money to

purchase stuffed animal monkeys to deliver to children all over the United States. These

children are experiencing something hard in their lives. Whether it be an illness, the loss of a

parent, or a house fire; Aly aims to provide a piece of comfort, or joy to the child in the midst of

their fear.

Aly’s Monkey Movement began in April 2019 and has since, been thriving on donations and

sponsors from all over the world who have come alongside of her during this movement. This

dream was driven by Aly’s own experience when she received a stuffed animal monkey from

her Nana while she was in the hospital and scared. That is when she received “Jack” her

monkey who has been her forever friend. There is something beautiful that occurs in a child’s

heart when they are gifted something that might bring them comfort and distract them from

the fear they’re feeling. Aly desires to grow that love amongst all of God’s children and spread

kindness all over the world.

Your donation changes the world, one monkey at a time. Thank you so much from all of us

here, at Aly’s Monkey Movement! <3 Aly, Kristy, Adam, Tyler, & Tenley

Donor Wall308

Heather Brant | $50

Eric Deeter

What a wonderful idea! Peace to you and your family.

Yvonne Swales

So many have been blessed by this movement! I have seen firsthand the comfort that these monkeys bring to children, teenagers and adults going through tough times! You all are truly a blessing from God! Happy to be able to be a small part of such a huge movement!

Barbara Watson

I love this ministry that brings so much love and joy. Thank you Aly, Kristy & Family

Tracey Giacomi | $20

I would like to name the monkey Johnny

Ivy | $20

Amanda Schneider

Love your monkeys!!

jennie Rhoads

In Memory of Garrett, Lucas, and Isaiah Rhoads. Born into the arms of God.

Paul Stanley | $60

Stephanie Mensch | $250

Yet another donation from Braely Wintersteen’s lemonade stand!!

Stephanie Mensch | $325

Donation from Braely Wintersteen Lemonade stand

Krystal Lubitz | $30

Hunter Lubitz Duke project

Kataryna McHale | $200

You have done an amazing job and you have such a big heart. Keep doing great things Aly❤️

Ryann Schultz | $197

In loving memory of Mark Schultz

Jennifer | $30

This donation is for my friends grandson who was just diagnosed with Cancer. She already filled out the referral. It's under Pam and the monkey goes to Landen. Thank you for everything you do!

Susan Duchman | $30

Mike | $30

Please send this monkey to Maria Henriques @ Winchester medical center Winchester VA room 4507 She is suffering from severe brain damage.

Katie | $20

I hope this monkey brings a smile to someones face!

Samantha Mahaffey | $40

Thank you Aly and Kristy for speaking at the Kiwanis Club yesterday. Way to go!


Kristy Teisher

Please name these monkeys after my friend “Star” who shines so bright as she sincerely and genuinely lives the mission of helping others. The world is a better place because of her. May her namesake monkeys carry her spirit of comfort to others.

Julie | $20

Linda Cazer | $100

This is such an amazing project, and to think it was the unselfish idea of a little girl! God bless you Aly and your entire family!💝🙏🏻


This monkey is in honor of Treynor Smith.

Robert Yutko | $60

This is so wonderful! 🐒 Happy Birthday from Stacy and Bob Yutko.

Betsy Derr | $50

This is a donation of $40 from Dave and Arlene Beagle and $10 from Susquehanna Valley Derby Vixens

Mark | $100

Thank you for being a blessing to the community and changing the world one monkey at a time!

Chase, Abby and Conor Michael | $20

Thank you!

Chase, Abby and Conor Michael | $20

Can you please name one EJ for us?

Andrea Burkins | $30