Al Rahman nonprofit Foundation سازمان غیرانتفاعی الرحمن
During COVID-19 and Ramadan you can safe lives
put your Zakat towards sustainable solutions that build lives, Provide food, water, and other survival aid for families in poor countries. Join Hands With ARNF in Our Efforts To Feed The Needy During This crisis. Help the Helpless
Donate Now.
Al Rahman ((ARNF)) is a nonprofit organization to help those in need In national and international communities.
Our immediate focus is to alleviate the hunger of the children and families we serve. With your help, we are doing it- today, tomorrow and for as long as this crisis lasts.
We are all in this together. Our mission has not changed.
Early childhood development is a life-changing investment. However, we know that a hungry child cannot learn.
Therefore, in this period of crisis, we are addressing the need to feed our children so that they are healthy and able to learn.
By supporting Al Rahman nonprofit Foundation to the COVID-19 pandemic, you can help strengthen health systems and support children and their families by providing things like life-saving essentials, protective equipment and more.
We invite you to help those at risk of being pushed further into vulnerability by the spread of COVID-19.
(ARNF), the leading domestic hunger-relief organization,
the (ARF) is partnering to provide food to individuals who struggle with hunger.
Each year, million of people face hunger, including children and seniors.
(ARNF) is giving you the opportunity to support food sourcing initiatives and also to address hunger in surrounding (ARF) communities and poor counties
There are places around the world where threats of sexual violence, hunger, abuse and exploitation are a daily reality for the children and families who live there. In countries where options are few and danger is everywhere, you can still help the children who are suffering the most.
Whether you choose to give once or every month to Al Rahman Foundation, your support enables World Vision to meet the immediate needs of those living in the most dangerous places.
With your donation, we can:
* Provide life-saving essentials such as nutritious food, clean water, sanitation, shelter and health care.
* Create safe places for children to play, learn about their rights to health and protection, and continue their education.
* Provide programs and services to prevent sexual violence and abuse from occurring and build a community of support for survivors.
* Make a lasting impact with long-term solutions to help make these regions more secure and resilient.
Where We Work
Al Rahman Foundation works in 9 countries:
- Canada
- Afghanistan
- Iran
- Turkey
- Pakistan
- India
- Iraq
- Syria
- Philipine
Millions of children in these countries live in turmoil caused by armed conflict, economic instability and human rights violations. When governments cannot or will not act to protect the rights of their peoples, ARF is there to help.
Together, we can help children living in the world’s most dangerous places survive, recover and build a future.
Your donation of any amount will be greatly accepted and appreciated
ما از شما دعوت می کنیم تا با گسترش COVID-19 به کسانکه از اثر این معرض آسیب پذیر هستند کمک کنید.
الرحمن فاوندیشن سازمان پیشرو در زمینه رفع گرسنگی در تهیه غذا برای افرادی که با گرسنگی می جنگند همکاری می کند.
هر ساله میلیون ها نفر از جمله کودکان و سالمندان با گرسنگی روبرو هستند.
الرحمن فاوندیشن به شما این امکان را می دهد تا از ابتکار عمل برای تهیه مواد غذایی حمایت کنید و همچنین به رفع گرسنگی در جامع و مناطق فقیرنشینبپردازید.
کمک مالی شما به هر مبلغی مورد استقبال و قدردانی قرار می گیردد