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7Hills skatepark is back with a new project and we need your support!

We are building a second, public, skatepark in East Amman's densely populated industrial residential zone, the Qweismeh district. The fully operational skatepark will be located in the public Al-Nour park and will be 650 m2 big. 

7Hills will establish a weekly, free-of-charge skateboarding program right after the construction. Furthermore, 7Hills will launch our youth leadership program for young girls and boys to become skateboard agents within their communities.

This project is in partnership with the Greater Amman Municipality and co-funded by 7Hills.
We are raising 15K $ to cover all costs of construction & establishing weekly skate programming right after! 

Help us build the new skatepark, run free-of-charge skate programming and create a space to skate, socialize and unwind!