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You are donating to the 406 United Worship Album fund managed by Shepherd's Heart Ministries, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, EIN 81-3376395. All contributions are tax deductable. No goods or services are provided in exchange for the contribution.
406 United Original Worship Album

What: We are a united group of Jesus-loving musicians and worship leaders in the Gallatin Valley seeking to unite and encourage Christ-followers throughout our region and all of Montana through original worship songs and events.

In February of 2021, more than 30 of us gathered from about 7 different churches in the Gallatin Valley to write worship songs together. It was an intense and momentous occasion that resulted in over 50 songs. New friendships were formed between churches. We culminated the event with a worship concert where we introduced our best 7 songs from the writing retreat.

We were partially surprised to see how well the crowd of believers from multiple churches who had never heard these songs were so easily able to sing along like they already knew them. And yet we were not completely surprised because we had sensed the Holy Spirit so present among us while we wrote for three days prior.

Now we are seeking your help to raise funds to put together a professional recording of these original worship songs written in the Gallatin Valley so that all of our churches can learn the songs, use the songs, and unite at a future event to worship the Lord together with these songs. We have also partnered with (they led the writing retreat) who is eager to publish the songs nationally and beyond to showcase what the Lord did in our region.

When: Album production to begin Fall 2021 and released Winter 2021/2022.

Why: It takes great wisdom, diligence, and time to put forth a professional recording of songs that capture the heart of God as when we wrote them while capturing an authentic sound/culture from our local region. All of that takes crowdfunding to be able to take these musical compositions and make them easily accessible (and desirable) to the Body of Christ in Montana.

Who: With your help, we will be able to raise the $30,000 needed to pay for: a highly recommended and seasoned Christian producer; musicians; sound engineers; and distribution. Any amount raised above $30,000 will be used for video production to help market the album, which alone could easily require $20,000. So every dollar helps! 

406 United is simply the name that represents this initiative and those who are committed to co-writing original worship songs with fellow believers. It is not an official organization, charity, or ministry as of yet, but it may be in the near future.

Shepherd's Heart Ministries (SHM) is a local Gallatin Valley ministry with 501(c)(3) public charity status whose purpose is to "seek the lost and strengthen the found through innovative ministry" and itself is backed by multiple churches. As such, SHM has agreed to manage the fundraiser for this album without taking any money for itself. 100% of your donation goes to album production and marketing. You may learn more about SHM at