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The Down Syndrome Association of the New River Valley is a non-profit, 501 (c) organization. Our tax ID number is 22-3876558. Your donation is tax deductible as you have not received any goods or services in return for your gift.
2024 W.A.L.K.

The Down Syndrome Association of the New River Valley (DSANRV)  2024 Walking and Loving Kids with Down Syndrome (W.A.L.K) will be held on April 27, 2024, at 10:00am at Pulaski County’s Randolph Park. The walk will begin at the main picnic shelter on the left as you enter the park. The walk will be a half-mile lap around the walking track with lots of fun to follow. This will include a nature trail, playground, live music, face painting and free pizza. 

The DSANRV W.A.L.K. is about helping people understand the organization’s mission and gives the public an opportunity to be involved. Funds raised at the W.A.L.K. are used to support our mission and programs/events.