Thank you for the work you are doing. Thank you for shinning the light, particularly on those who have yet to see it. Thank you for providing opportunities to those who have yet to experience them. Thank you for showing that color cannot and shall never be a basis for equality. Thank you for your continued fight against the social injustices of the world.
Jeff Smith | $104.15
Thank you for lifting up and empowering those who need it. You are heard and greatly appreciated. We stand with you.
Evan & Michael Sanford
Thank you for your leadership in this community!!!
Toby | $104.15
I stand with you.
Andrew | $180
In my tradition, the Hebrew word for 18 is "chai" which also means "life." As such, it is common practice to give in denominations of 18. Today, I wish not only to help your organization save lives, but to improve the quality of those lives. When I saw your demonstration thoughtfully coordinated with city officials, it made me proud to be a member of this community. I believe it showed this community, our community, to be a beacon for this country on how to work together to breakdown systems of oppression. I wish you G-d's speed.
Thank you for all you do to promote and support better lives for the Lubbock community.
Texas Tech Panhellenic | $1,038.73
Kristopher Matherly | $918.55
Jessica Blair Johnston
Timoty Nokken | $52.23
yasmine borno
Noelle Zavala | $831.05
Thank you for serving our community ❤️
Beth | $52.23
Ashley | $52.23
I just watched the interview with KCBD prior to the march at Citizens tower in Lubbock. I only wish that message could be carried through to all the cities. Thank you for this great organization!
Melinda Mitchell Jones
Thank you for your leadership in West Texas.
John Boling | $104.15
Black Lives Matter. George Flynn. 8 minutes 46 seconds.
Pat Silva | $104.15
Your actions of unity, peace, and love will prevail! Keep up the GOOD fight!
Edna Thelusma | $52.23
I am so sad that I missed the walk today. I’m making a donation in the absence of my participation tonight. Thank you for what you did in Lubbock tonight and always.
Anthony Newsom | $52.23
This donation is on behalf of my support for Shawn Knox.
Donor Wall24
Scott Morris | $104.15
Matthew Elizondo | $104.15
Thank you for everything you’ve done in lubbock
Thank you for the work you are doing. Thank you for shinning the light, particularly on those who have yet to see it. Thank you for providing opportunities to those who have yet to experience them. Thank you for showing that color cannot and shall never be a basis for equality. Thank you for your continued fight against the social injustices of the world.
Jeff Smith | $104.15
Thank you for lifting up and empowering those who need it. You are heard and greatly appreciated. We stand with you.
Evan & Michael Sanford
Thank you for your leadership in this community!!!
Toby | $104.15
I stand with you.
Andrew | $180
In my tradition, the Hebrew word for 18 is "chai" which also means "life." As such, it is common practice to give in denominations of 18. Today, I wish not only to help your organization save lives, but to improve the quality of those lives. When I saw your demonstration thoughtfully coordinated with city officials, it made me proud to be a member of this community. I believe it showed this community, our community, to be a beacon for this country on how to work together to breakdown systems of oppression. I wish you G-d's speed.
Thank you for all you do to promote and support better lives for the Lubbock community.
Texas Tech Panhellenic | $1,038.73
Kristopher Matherly | $918.55
Jessica Blair Johnston
Timoty Nokken | $52.23
yasmine borno
Noelle Zavala | $831.05
Thank you for serving our community ❤️
Beth | $52.23
Ashley | $52.23
I just watched the interview with KCBD prior to the march at Citizens tower in Lubbock. I only wish that message could be carried through to all the cities. Thank you for this great organization!
Melinda Mitchell Jones
Thank you for your leadership in West Texas.
John Boling | $104.15
Black Lives Matter. George Flynn. 8 minutes 46 seconds.
Pat Silva | $104.15
Your actions of unity, peace, and love will prevail! Keep up the GOOD fight!
Edna Thelusma | $52.23
I am so sad that I missed the walk today. I’m making a donation in the absence of my participation tonight. Thank you for what you did in Lubbock tonight and always.
Anthony Newsom | $52.23
This donation is on behalf of my support for Shawn Knox.
Philip Littlejohn | $156.07
2020 Membership Dues - Philip Littlejohn