1 Student 1 Quran Campaign
The Madressah Maktab Legacy
The heartbeat of Al Ihya Foundation
Alhamduillah for the past 23 years Al Ihya Foundation has been actively involved in Islamic education producing Aalimas, Hufaaz and educating hundreds of adult female reverts in various communities.
Madressah Ihya Uloom ud Deen has become a beacon of hope for many of or Mothers and sisters who wants to learn the beautiful deen of Islam.
A mother is a madressah if you prepare her well, you will prepare a very well generation to come.
Al Ihya Foundation has established many Makaatib/Madressahs in the local indigenous communities. The Makatib Madressahs are the foundation of our deen.
The Maktab/Madrasah has always played a pivotal role in developing the children of the Ummah. It is at the Maktab that our children learn the fundamental principles of Islam that enable them to live and practice as Muslims.
The madrasah is not an insignificant institute. The flame of Īmān (faith) is first kindled in the madrasah. The light of Īmān first permeates the heart of a Muslim child in this environment. It teaches our young children moral values.
Please consider donating to our sadaqah jariyah appeal to help secure further rewards today. With your help, we can continue to make a difference.
Banking Details:
Acc Name: Al Ihya Foundation
Acc Number: 4094524618
Branch: lenasia
Branch Code: 632005
Ref: Qur'an Drive - Sadaqah/Lillah/ and your name/ Esaale Sawaab of ?
Price per Qur'an: R50 each
Price per Kitab kit: R100 each
For any enquiries, contact Sister Nazarene 083 653 5669 email ihyauloomuddeen@webmail.co.za