The Children of the Pamirs Education Fund






The Children of the Pamirs Education Fund

If you want to touch the past, touch a rock.

If you want to touch the present, touch a flower.

If you want to touch the future, touch a life.

- It was 2014 - 

We were driving the Silk Road through the Pamir Mountains of Tajikistan. Dropping over a 14,000-ft pass into a valley, we quite accidentally met a young girl as she walked back to her village. We were just washing the dust off our truck. She was 11 years old. With no common language, we could not communicate verbally, but there was something magical about the look in her eyes. They said “I am not afraid and I want to help you.”

We camped there for three days and met her family across the river. They were very hospitable yet very poor. This girl had received a limited education in her rural school. With such a yearning to learn more, how could we help her? Fast forward five years. We are now sponsoring her to attend the prestigious Aga Khan Lycée (school) in the nearest city, three hours from her mountain village while living with a safe family. In Fall 2019, she will enter 10th grade studying 17 subjects 6 days a week with extra classes on Sunday.

In the process, we met many other children who, for lack of funds, could not receive the education they deserve to make a positive difference in the world, for their family and their community. We have touched a life and you can too. Your donation will be used only for helping children get a better education in the Pamir Mountain region of Tajikistan.

Thank you.

Gary and Monika Wescott

The Turtle Expedition, Unltd.

Donor Wall 2

Scott Brady

Thank you for all you do
