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Kamui Kids










  • 教育へのアクセス:住む地域関係なく、より多くの子どもたちがユニークで楽しい方法で学びを発見できるようにしたい!皆さんがパートナー/サポーターになることで、地域に限らずより沢山の子どもたちにアクセスを提供しています。 

  • 実践的な学び:メイカースペース、ティンカースペース(子どもたちが自由に創作活動をできる場)、放課後のプログラムなど、実際にものに触れたり遊んだりできるような学びの場を作ろうとしています。あなたのサポートによって多くの道具やスペースを得るとともに、若い革新者を生み出すことにつながるでしょう!

  • 新たな選択肢となる子どもの居場所をサポートする:十人十色の子どもたち。もっと個々の特性に合わせた学びを、もっと自由に選べるようにしたい!機会や探求、つながりに満ちた新たな選択肢を提供する私たちの使命に参加してください。

  • コミュニティエンゲージメント:皆さんと一緒に取り組むことで、より沢山の人々をこの冒険に巻き込むことができると信じています!ワークショップやお話をしたり、楽しいイベントを開催したり、学びをコミュニティに取り入れもっと身近にしていきましょう!



  • 交通:送迎や移動を必要とする事業、イベントの際に私たちの旅の燃料として車輪を回し続けてください。 

  • コミュニケーションとアウトリーチ:私たちの声をより沢山の方へ届けることができるように、スピーカーとなってください!そして、私たちのインターネット上でのアピールやマーケティングリーチをサポートしてください! 

  • プログラムの拡充:心が弾むような、遊びとともに成長できるスペースを作りましょう!

  • メンバーの確保とトレーニング:私たちのチームの成長と準備に投資してください。 

  • コミュニティエンゲージメント:コミュニティワークショップとイベントを通じて、


  • 税金と財務支援:実務的な支援や、奨学金の基盤を築く支援が必要です。









  • 銀行振込:シンプルな支援を送りたい場合は、銀行振込をどうぞ!


   お名前:カムイキッヅ ダイヒョウ ラーワーフレデリックアイザック

       (カムイキッズ代表LAUER FREDERICK ISAAC)





This year, we held a soft open of our Kinone Agile Learning Center in Sakegawa, Japan. You wouldn’t believe how awesome it's been to see kids take charge of their learning. The remote location made things tricky, but hearing from the community made us more determined to grow and adapt.

We want to be honest; not everything's been smooth sailing. Earlier this year, we gave Kickstarter a go to raise funds, but it turned out to be a tougher climb than we thought. The platform was a bit tricky for many folks, and we didn't quite reach our goal. But we’re all about learning and growing. So we're switching gears and trying a different approach. Instead of a one-shot campaign, we'll be actively reaching out throughout the year. We believe in our mission, and we know we've got friends like you who do too.

We are working on ways to reach more kids by making things like distance a non-issue and by sharing our special way of learning with more people. We could really use your help. 

Why, you ask? Well, here's the rundown:

  • Access to Education: Because we're smashing barriers like distance, more children can discover learning in a unique and fun way. By partnering with us, you're giving access to kids in your community and beyond.

  • Hands-On Learning: Because we're creating makerspaces, tinkerspaces, and afterschool programs, we're making education something you can touch and play with. Your support means more tools, more spaces, and more young innovators.

  • Supporting Kids Outside Traditional School: Because not all kids thrive in a regular school setting, you can share in our mission to offer alternative paths filled with opportunities, exploration, and connection.

  • Community Engagement: Because we believe in bringing people together, your involvement can help host workshops, talks, and fun events that make learning a community affair.

In September, we're heading to the U.S. to learn from others and make our efforts even more powerful in Japan, and throughout the next year we’ll be using that learning in our work to build further on our vision. We'd love for you to be a part of it.

So, how can you pitch in? We're looking for your support in these key areas:

  • Transportation: Help us fuel our journey and keep our wheels turning.

  • Communication and Outreach: Be a voice amplifier, support our web presence, and marketing reach.

  • Programming Expansion: Contribute to the creation of spaces where minds can play and grow.

  • Personnel and Training: Invest in our team's growth and readiness.

  • Community Engagement: Enable us to connect through community workshops and events.

  • Tax and Financial Assistance: Assist us in handling the practical stuff and laying foundations for scholarships.

Imagine joining hands to reshape not just today's education but how we'll all learn tomorrow. And hey, if you're feeling inspired and want to volunteer your time to make magic happen with us, we'd absolutely love to connect with you! Whatever way you choose to contribute, you're adding to a world filled with creativity, empathy, and empowerment. Together, we can reshape learning and inspire minds. 

Let's build something big, filled with creativity, empathy, and power. Together, we'll make sure every kid gets a chance to shine.

Stay Inspired,
Kamui Kids

P.S. Tell your friends! The more of us, the merrier.