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Donor Wall120

Holly Myer | $104.42

In memory of my grandfather, Bob Hott, an avid storyteller, a friend to all children, and a patient listener/sponsor for those whose stories of recovery and healing are often challenging to share.

Andrew Colville | $120

Martha Niño Foundation

I am excited to see the work being done!

א. מוסט ניהול -

Lorie | $104.15

Vicki Shaghoian | $52.23

So wish I was in a position to give more, Bill!

Christina | $1,036.67

Lora Gilmore | $52.32

Kai Boyd | $25/M

Was a first time mentor this year and can't wait for next semester. Not sure who enjoyed it more - me or the kids!

Matt | $500

almitra corey | $52.32

Matthew Harmer | $104.15

Always happy to support ys!! ❤️❤️

Rachel Davenport | $100

Joe | $26.41

John | $208

Excited to support!

Elizabeth G Wilson | $78.22

Patrick Garriagn | $25

William Thompson

One Racing the Sun Productions, LLC | $31.46

Mike OMalley | $500

This is in tribute to the life and work of Jamie Tarses.

Katerina Baruffi | $52.23

So sorry I can't make the Big Show! Hope to join next year!

Kayla Anne

Zachary J | $26.27

Because I missed Iniko's charity stream on twitch!

Benjamin Morgan | $52.23

Nothing inspires, motivates and gives me more hope about kids today as when I leave a mentoring session. YS is insanely cool, as are Bill T. and Kalena!

Tiffanie Hsu

Joseph Ferullo | $2,500

Thank you Bill Thompson for all you do! all the best to you and YS in 2023!

Morgan King | $1,000

Douglas Fisher | $100

Peter Shimamoto | $100

In appreciation of Anna Kim

Anonymous | $200

In appreciation of TFC Management