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Donor Wall120
Antoinette Domenech | $26.48
Barton Lewis | $75.27
It has been a joy to volunteer as an actor for Young Storytellers, and I look forward to continuing to give back and be of service.
Joshua Ko
In honor of Bill Thompson - happy birthday, my friend!
Harrison Le | $500
Jaclyn Wertheimer | $52.37
Suzanne Freeman | $25
Cuticle care and the E! Network
Kevin Hughes
It came from the heart, it was a toxic fart
Jaime Carbajal | $100
Julia | $5
Mitra | $50
Jasson Crockett
Go Young Storytellers!!!!
Nicole Lee
Such a fabulous cause!
Sydney Zelichov
Keep up the great work, Matt C.!
david haimovitz | $100
To help support the Biggest Show
Keep telling your stories & creating more adventures in the future!
15/40 Productions Ltd | $7,500
Jamie Law | $208.28
Fables & Rumors / Where Within | $1,036.77
All proceeds from HFF '24 show "Where Within," in support of the Young Storytellers mission! Here's to uplifting new voices and finding each other through storytelling.
Michelle Kamme
First Entertainment Credit Union | $2,000
To Actor, Faculty Member and heartfelt Human Being Bob Cicchini, whose values align with those of "Young Storytellers". What better way to thank you, than to make your values flow out an reach even more people through this channel.
Holly Myer | $52.37
In honor of NYU grad Ariana and the pursuit of storytelling!
Holly Myer | $52.37
For NYU grad Ariana, and the pursuit of storytelling!
Donor Wall120
Antoinette Domenech | $26.48
Barton Lewis | $75.27
It has been a joy to volunteer as an actor for Young Storytellers, and I look forward to continuing to give back and be of service.
Joshua Ko
In honor of Bill Thompson - happy birthday, my friend!
Harrison Le | $500
Jaclyn Wertheimer | $52.37
Suzanne Freeman | $25
Cuticle care and the E! Network
Kevin Hughes
It came from the heart, it was a toxic fart
Jaime Carbajal | $100
Julia | $5
Mitra | $50
Jasson Crockett
Go Young Storytellers!!!!
Nicole Lee
Such a fabulous cause!
Sydney Zelichov
Keep up the great work, Matt C.!
david haimovitz | $100
To help support the Biggest Show
Keep telling your stories & creating more adventures in the future!
15/40 Productions Ltd | $7,500
Jamie Law | $208.28
Fables & Rumors / Where Within | $1,036.77
All proceeds from HFF '24 show "Where Within," in support of the Young Storytellers mission! Here's to uplifting new voices and finding each other through storytelling.
Michelle Kamme
First Entertainment Credit Union | $2,000
To Actor, Faculty Member and heartfelt Human Being Bob Cicchini, whose values align with those of "Young Storytellers". What better way to thank you, than to make your values flow out an reach even more people through this channel.
Holly Myer | $52.37
In honor of NYU grad Ariana and the pursuit of storytelling!
Holly Myer | $52.37
For NYU grad Ariana, and the pursuit of storytelling!
Ana Roza Cimperman
Greg Machlin | $10.72/M
Hooray for young storytellers!
Cheryl | $100
Andrew Colville
Preston DeFrancis