Yorenka Tasorentsi Fire Relief
A heartbreaking reality is unfolding as we watch our beloved Amazon burn again. The fires have reached the reforestation institute, Yorenka Tasorentsi, and now threaten the incredible work that Ashaninka leader Benki Piyãko and his community have been tirelessly doing – planting millions of trees to regenerate the forest in Acre, Brazil.
The Amazon Rainforest, our planet's sanctuary, is suffering like never before, enduring one of the harshest droughts in history. Witnessing the Amazon ablaze, rivers dwindling, and lives facing a dire fate is a stark reminder that our Earth is crying out for help, and it's our duty to answer that call.
What Can You Do?
Raise Awareness: Share this message with everyone you know. Let's ignite a global conversation about the Amazon and our environment. Please share this link fundraiser on your socials.
Donate: Support Yorenka Tasorentsi in their tireless efforts to protect the Amazon. Every donation counts, and here's is what your contribution will be going toward:
- $50k can provide a truck to transport workers and materials for immediate fire response and reforestation.
- $15 can take care of a tree sapling for an entire year.
Together, we hold the power to make a difference.
Thank you for your unwavering support and commitment to preserving our planet's greatest treasure.
Warm regards,
The Boa Foundation Team