Yoga for All Campaign






We believe yoga can change a life.  But not everyone has access to this transformative practice. Lack of funds, systemic inequities and racial barriers prevent many people from ever stepping foot in a yoga class. And oftentimes, they are just the humans that need it the most. 

Over the past sixteen years, Give Back Yoga has supported and trained thousands of yoga teachers to bring yoga into unserved and marginalized communities.

This spring, we need your help to vastly expand yoga outreach to these communities. The Yoga Shed is excited to be a part of this outreach. Give Back Yoga has supported us in bringing the gifts of Yoga to our local Boys & Girls Club. Please join us for a fundraising class to support all of Give Back Yoga's incredible efforts!

Thank you for joining us in practice and supporting our efforts to spread awareness of the gifts of Yoga!

Class Details:

Saturday, June 29th | 4pm - 5:30pm
Ahimsa in Action: Creating Space & Ease Within the Body.

Join Ella Ran for a rejuvenating & relaxing practice. You will learn to create length for the spine and space for all the joints of the body. This practice will be accessible to all, even if you've never practiced Yoga before!