Become a 2024-2025 YIT Patron
Contributions from generous patrons like you mean a great deal and ensure we can continue to do our part to develop young performing artists. Support the theater you love with a tax-deductible contribution and receive acknowledgement in our season programs. All levels include name in the program for the season
Donor Levels
All levels include name in the program for the season
Partner | $50
Immense gratitude
Benefactor | $100
Complimentary YIT decal
Director | $250
Complimentary YIT decal
2 complimentary tickets
Playwright | $500
Complimentary YIT decal
Complimentary YIT T-shirt
4 complimentary tickets
Spotlight | $750
Complimentary YIT decal
Complimentary YIT T-shirt
8 complimentary tickets
Complimentary 30 minute private
lesson (voice, acting, dance)
Youth Inspirations Theatre Inc. is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization
Donor Wall3
Trudy Longest | $52.37
Bradley Gear | $104.42
You are the brightest star in our eyes Livy! Aunt Kara and Uncle Brad Love you
Donna Redmon | $104.42