Support us
The Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education (YCCECE) lights the path for children with special and diverse education needs. For 15 years, we have trained early childhood educators and directly helped thousands through pioneering programs. Now our mission to unlock every mind's potential needs your continuous support!
Give today and empower teachers while fueling discovery for years to come. You have the power to spark unlimited futures - donate now!
Designation of Gift
• SEN and Inclusive Education Initiatives Fund - Support SEN and inclusive education programs, which covers initiatives like assistive technologies, inclusive classroom design, and scholarships for students focusing on SEN education
• Yew Chung Promise Fund - Provide long-term and sustainable support towards the development of the College
• Scholarships & Bursaries - Support students with financial needs and attract more promising students
• Pamela Pack Discovery Space - Supports the operation and development of the leading-edge innovative living laboratory
• ECE Research & Community Projects - Support academic research, promote teaching excellence, and enhance thought leadership
耀中幼教學院為有不同需要孩子照亮前路。 自成立以來,我們以培訓專業的幼兒教育工作者為已任,並透過開創性的項目直接幫助了數以千計的人。 我們的使命是透過體驗式學習環境來釋放每個人的潛能, 你的支持至關重要。
今天一同支持這些年輕人,讓他們掌握充滿機遇的未來。 你可以為他們建構無限的可能 - 請立即捐款!
• 特殊教育需要及融合教育計劃基金-支持耀中幼教學院提供與特殊教育需要和融合教育計劃中的相關活動,例如輔助技術、包容性課堂設施,以及幼教學生獎學金及助學金等項目
• 耀中承諾基金-長期和可持續地為學院發展和需求最大的項目提供支持
• 獎學金與助學金 - 支持有經濟困難的學生及吸引有熱誠,有能力的學生
• 耀學園 - 支持創新探索試驗園區的營運及設施升級
• 幼兒教育及社區研究項目 - 支持卓越學術研究與教學,並強化幼教領先地位