The 22nd yahrzeit of the Rov is Today, the twenty-seventh of Nissan (April 18th). Looking back at the results we’ve accomplished together over the past few years is truly amazing. Together we have brought Rav Miller back to life by means of spreading his Torah across the globe, touching the hearts and changing the lives of Jews wherever they live.
The authentic and life-guiding words of the Rav are causing an avodas Hashem revolution in the lives of so many of our fellow Jews.
We are sharing with you here (click link) the final words of the Rov, the tzavaah that he left over for his family and talmidim.
There’s something unusual about this tzavaah: After thanking Hashem for his overwhelming kindness, all of the Rov’s gratitude was poured out on his loyal and dedicated followers whose efforts made the Rov’s teachings available to the world.
In this tzavaah the Rov revealed to us his true dream, his innermost wishes: to benefit the Am Yisroel with authentic Torah hashkafa.
I have always dreamt of helping Rabbi Miller, Have you? I am sure you did :)
So here’s how YOU can help the Rov Zatzal fulfill his deep desire to spread his Torah!
Our 5 year lease on a commercial printer is expiring and for $45,000 we can buy our own machine, a beautiful new Giant Printer.
You can be one of a hundred dedicated followers who chip in with $450 to pay for this beautiful new Giant Printer. Can I count on you to chip in?
This commercial Printer will print MILLIONS OF BOOKLETS over the course of the next few years. You want to be a part of this!
Please make your generous donation now
P.S. Be one of a hundred to sponsor our new printer for $450. And get this new book delivered as soon as it's printed.