World IA Day Global






World IA Day is not just a day. It’s a community centered on the promotion of information architecture. Our focus is on building local communities of practice within a global network to foster participation and dialogue from anyone who may benefit from a better understanding of IA. This work is bolstered through the work of global volunteers who coordinate and work together to build programs that educate and motivate through a spirit of inquiry and inclusivity.

The global sustainer campaign seeks to build World IA Day, Inc into an organization that can promote events all year long, launch diverse speakers, broaden the field of IA, and create a platform to expand local events worldwide. 

Your gift today:

  • supports the infrastructure to independently own critical conversations in information architecture
  • provides tools for budding locations to insure a successful launch
  • broaden the reach of established locations to engage in conversations outside their immediate geographies
  • offers unique scholarship opportunities to attend conferences in IA

World IA Day Inc., is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, EIN  84-3158026, making your contribution in the United States tax-deductible.  Our mission focuses on increasing opportunities that challenge and recognize how information is understood and navigated through free to low-cost community engagement. Global volunteers coordinate these efforts and work together to build programs that educate and motivate through a spirit of inquiry and inclusivity. In the spirit of fiscal transparency, all donations will be posted publicly at the end of each quarter at Your name will not be included in this report if you elect not to have it shared. 

Donor Wall12

Zerobase Inc | $259.92/Y

I am happy to support World IA Day. Thanks.

Rupa | $104.15

Etrnograph SRL - 02571330410 | $156.07

Go go go!

Shoji Ohashi | $259.92/Y

Shawn | $10.70

Keep up the great work!

Krispian Emert | $26.27/M

Kyle Murphy | $124.92/Y

Alysson Franklin | $10/M

GRACE LAU | $10.70/M

Celeste Espinoza | $26.27/M

Asha | $5.50/M

Keith Instone | $100/Y