Women's March on Philadelphia 2018






Women's March on Philadelphia 2018: We Resist. We Persist. We Rise.

10:30am - gather at Aviator Park/Logan Square
11am - marching from Logan Square to Eakins Oval
12pm - Rally with speakers and performers kicks off


More Info (including FAQs, Transportation, etc):    

Register for free tickets: 



We Resist.
We stand against those in our country and society who seek to divide us and stifle the diversity that makes our nation great. We will no longer allow the rights and interests of women and those who identify as women in mind, body, or spirit to be disregarded.

We Persist.
One year after the largest demonstration in the history of the world, we continue to speak up and remind everyone: We will not be silenced! We will be there in the streets, in the halls of Congress, outside the White House. We will march, we will rally, and we will organize in our communities. We will call out those who try to intimidate us. We will jam the phone lines, we will write postcards, we will connect on social media with others of like mind. We will work to get out the vote and we will be there at the polls to see change happen. We will continue our fight!

We Rise.
For the second year, we come together in solidarity at the Women’s March on Philadelphia and at marches around the world to reiterate our message: We hold our elected officials accountable. We are fighting for women’s rights, especially in communities marginalized the most. We are creating our own space to have a voice in decisions that affect our everyday lives. We believe in our ability to create change because together we are powerful and this movement is strong. We are rising, fearless and unapologetic. We are running for the very offices held by those who have tried to keep us down. We are taking our seats at the table!