Wishes For Water Spring 2024






The Wishes For Water Foundation is an incredible non-profit founded January 2023. Wishes For Water is an official 501(c)3 non profit that was established by students and is completely student run at Oklahoma State University.

Our mission is to help bring sustainable change by providing clean sources of water in rural Zimbabwe. To do this, we are raising money to drill boreholes—water wells—in the Hurungwe School district of Zimbabwe. We strive to provide accessible water sources to as many areas as we can which, in return, helps provide an equal access to education for women, nutritional benefits, and economic stability. Our partnership with the Tererai Trent International Foundation furthers our pursuit of sustainability. As a whole we are aiming to to raise $15,000 and personally my goal is to raise $300 this semester!

I am incredibly blessed to be apart of such an amazing organization that has such a large vision and outreach. Help us reach our goal! Every donation contributes to water accessibility for children in rural African communities, join us to make a change!