Winter Fund Drive, 2024
Our goal is to raise $12,000 by January 15th, 2025.
As we enter this season of giving, you may wonder why investing in a children’s chorus is so important. You may even wonder what we do with the money you donate. The short answer is that supporting us lets you come to our concerts, knowing that kids are thriving with us. You let us keep doing what we love — which is singing together. The truth is that it takes money to bring our music to life. There are hours of planning, arranging, rehearsing, rehearsing, and rehearsing — and this work is done by music professionals. Your donations make all of this possible; our tuition makes up less than half of our very streamlined budget.
Your investment in Pro Musica is an investment in youth development and in the arts — both critical parts of our community.
We fund an overnight retreat at the beginning of our season for our singers, and we also provide scholarships and other tuition assistance to several singers. It's your support of Pro Musica that helps us continue to be financially stable enough to ensure the success of our program.
Your donations are fully tax-deductible -- and every dollar you donate helps bring joy, friendship, and music to our community.
Who are we?
Since 1990, PMYC has brought excellent choral music education, unique performance opportunities and youth empowerment programming to three generations of singers. We continue to be the only independent youth chorus serving families in our community! Weekly after-school rehearsals and concerts throughout the season give Pro Musica singers positive life-changing musical experiences and a sense of community that they will carry through the rest of their lives.