WilsonHaus Rescue has a mission to save and enhance the lives of animals who need a second chance.
The primary focus as this time is raising funding so that we may begin boots on the ground rescue work in 2024. One of the major goal posts we have is to raise funding to set us up to care for the animals we commit to. We have a goal to begin to pull dogs from overcrowded shelters, predominantly from Texas shelters and particularly dogs on the euthanasia list.
Not only does your donation help us begin our own rescue, it also helps us support other rescues who may need assistance.
WilsonHaus Rescue is focused on four pillars of operation:
Education & Awareness
What your donation is used towards:
- The rescue of dogs in overcrowded shelters. Your donation helps pay for their foster, quality food, transport (freedom ride) veterinary costs for both prevention and critical cases, equipment to enhance their lives so not only are the dogs surviving under our care, but THRIVING
-Supporting prevention initiatives such as spay and neuter events to be part of getting ahead of the issues instead of only reacting to them
-Supporting collaborative rescue efforts with both dog and equine rescues
WilsonHaus Rescue is a 501c3 non profit animal rescue
EIN: 93-1616658
Follow us on Instagram at
Donor Wall729
Caitlin Curry | $10.70
Steven Garcia | $26.27
Sarah | £10.62
Polly Whittaker | $3.43
Alannah | £21.01
Costanza Niccoli | $26.27
Alexis | $5.50
Maria Barrera | $21.08
Kathleen | $5.50
Jacqueline | $5.50
Julie Nicholson | $41.85
Adriana Gonzalez | $104.15
Debra Peterson | $21.08
Diana Monaghan | $104.15
Jill | $10.24
Glenn | $207.74
Wish I could do more but I usually donate local. Especially when I have read HSUS and and ASPCA which I plan to stop giving to. People need to check out Charity watch or human watch.org. So many scams. When I saw you were saving horses from slaughter in Texas and coming for Dogs in Dallas Fortworth I was so happy. I am from North Texas.
Kate Crosby | $104.12
Amazing organization!
Kristine | $52.23/M
I remember ordering a candle after learning that you quit your 9-5 to start a candle company for the benefit of helping precious animals. To see you now running a sanctuary, is heartwarming. So happy for you and the animals you rescue!
From my cat crew to you. Thanks for all you do!
Carole Rivers | $10.70
Thank you so much for saving their lives
Thank you for what you are doing! ❤️
+386 51 285 | $5.50
Thank you so much for what you’re doing!!
Ronald | $10.87
From my dog pack of 4 to Wilson Haus Rescue: To help you buy the building permanently.
Melissa Rothbaum | $52.23
From Moose for our furry friends who need a little extra care
Angie Pease | $26.41
Thank you for being their light!
Kelly DiNicolantonio | $10.87
Love your idea and rooting for you! Also need that nail color 🤎