Wild on the Path Partner

The purpose of The Redeemed Adventure Project is to reclaim a story and bring simplicity and focus back to the walk of men, women, and couples who are having a hard time seeing any light at the end of the tunnel. We focus on what a walk of simple faith looks like along with helping people get traction in the good things that God has planned for us. If you have ever had your faith shaken to the core, if you have ever been depressed or confused about how God feels about you. Then you know that our enemy seeks to render us ineffective and isolated to the point that we give up hope. It happens to all of us and all too often, it even affects people who are serving others while the rest of us never know how troubled they are.

Our methods are unique and natural because they are simply the outflows of what God has done in our personal lives and stories. When you find yourself paralyzed or plagued by the shame of your past, or the pain you have personally caused, the Gospel is there to remind you that there is a deeper work that has been done. For believers there is a perpetual under tone of the Gospel present. When the enemy reminds and accuses us by saying “Look at what you have done” Jesus shouts in return a resounding “Look at what I have done!” You may never get over the guilt and shame, the wounds and hurts you have either caused or experienced but, Jesus provided everything you need to move on in your story and send the enemy packing! “It is Finished” means It is finished. Your sins are remembered no more! Even though I have to visit this work done on my behalf every day, I am mindful to apply it to my life while realizing that it is also applicable to those I have sinned against and those who sin against me! Grace always wins so, it is ok to get on with things! We want to share that experience with folks who need to see redemption and reconciliation in their story.

That is why God has called us to walk with and love people who have lost hope. Those with a background, people with the most unique stories that you could ever imagine. Some folks feel stuck, frustrated, tired, and have lost hope. We identify how God is at work in our personal stories while getting on an adventure with God. He is the Author and Finisher of our Faith. So we invite folks to come along on an adventure of discovery, an expedition with God to learn His purpose, His plan, and just what He has been doing in our stories. Our inspiration comes from Bob Krch and Team Trinity. Bob has since left this earth to be with the Lord but his legacy lives on because of the tremendous influence he had on people outside of the more traditional means we knew of at the time. Everything he did was in the spirit of adventure and it was contagious!

Bob you are missed!

We are a Domestic, Not for Profit Corporation, Registry #163691091. No goods or services are provided in exchange for this donation.