




Why Not Care, INC is a 501c3 non-profit organization geared towards providing beneficial resources for the homeless, the disenfranchised, everyday people, or businesses and community organizations that are in need of supplemental assistance. From the distribution of Care Packs filled with everyday essentials for homeless and unfortunate individuals, to providing creative and educational services for our partnering organizations - Why Not Care is essentially a dedicated network of people who are able and willing to offer their resources and services to help others who are in need.

Why Become a Monthly Donor to WHY NOT CARE?


Delivering lasting change to less fortunate individuals, children, families and underserved communities doesn’t happen overnight. It takes hard work every day of the year. By making an affordable automatic tax-deductible gift each month, you can help WHY NOT CARE save lives and empower individuals and families all around to escape poverty and lead better lives. Not only will your donation transform lives, it will make on-going support of WHY NOT CARE's work so much simpler.

CARE PACKS include (but are not limited to): 

Personal hygienic products, deodorant, hand wipes/sanitizer, hand lotion, mini first aid kits, toothbrush & toothpaste, bottled water, granola bars, plastic ziplock bag, and an inspirational note. With your donations, we can begin to add additional necessities (i.e. clothing and metro cards).


The flyers included in these packs offer contact information to a plethora of free resources at specific, convenient locations. 


FLYERS INCLUDE free resources to shelters/housing, food banks, SAT/GED prep, child care services, after-school programs, adolescent outreach, legal representation, tutoring, creative classes for youth, family activities and much more.

Puerto Rico initiative

WHY NOT CARE has been working closely with local churches, community organizations, city agencies, and families to give as much caring to Puerto Rico as we can. We have been involved in numerous initiatives with the goal of raising donations for hygiene products, food, book bags, toys, money, and awareness all geared towards helping the people of Puerto Rico on and off the island. Our goal is to continue the effort and lend support with helping to inspire and educate the people of Puerto Rico with long-term empowerment.

Thank you for your contribution. No goods or services were provided in exchange for this contribution. Why not care inc. is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN 81-3043817