Wholly Fit Teams up with Monika's Doggie Rescue






Help your community thrive by donating to organizations that were hit hard by COVID-19 restrictions. Monika's Doggie Rescue is a no kill shelter, housing hundreds of animals ranging from dogs to rabbits. They need all hands on deck in order to keep feeding, sheltering and immunizing these furry friends. With a donation of just $15, you'll receive a Wholly Fit scarf for your little pup and a chance to win $500 worth of fitness gear to get you summer ready, all whilst helping a much needed local organization. Help one of our furry little friends out today.

More information on Wholly Fit and this fundraising campaign can be found at https://whollyfit.health/give-back

Donor Wall5

Pamela Edwards | A$50

Nothing is too good for a dog.

David | A$15

keep up the great work guys 👍

Saif Khan | A$25

Jojo | A$25

Love the message. Leave an impact, Wholly Fit!

Olivia | A$150

So exciting! What a great cause. Can’t wait to get started!