Kick-start Chabad Of Wheeling






Chana S36
Shoshana Birnbaum

Leah Zavelevich118Finally a chabad house in my home town!! Thank you!! May you make HaShem and the Rebbe proud! Hatzlacha!

Peri Perlmutter36Hatzlacha Raba!
Rocheli Meijers36
Altie Spielman18
R Tabak100

Rabbi and Mrs.Siegel36

Levi Marasow120
Rivka Greenberg54
Chaim F.5
Shmuel & Chanie Katz500
Shmaya and Devorah Leah Shmotkin1000With hearts full of gratitude that you have merited to join the Rebbe's army of Shluchim! Wishing you abundant success!
Shmuli and Mushkie Bronstein100
Chayale Fried36
Shmotkin Kids30
Henny Naparstek36
Laura Rockowitz100
Shalom Greenberg36
Shifrah Raichik36
Menachem Stambler18
Nechama Brashevitzky18
Levi Krinsky10
Sheina Shaw18Wow Mushky, I'm so so happy to see this!! Hatzlocha on your shlichus and yasher koach!!!
Miri Miller18
Miriam Elberg180
Chani Charitonow100
Devorah Wilansky18
Chezky Vogel180
Chaim Zvi Hersh Dubov18
Levi Danow100
Shneur Itzinger100
Miriam Goldberg18
Yosef Katz36
Yehudis Malek72
Ezra Wiemer180
Baruch Chaikin18הצלחה רבה על שליחותך הקדושה
Nechama Hecht33Much Hatzlacha in your new Shlichus!
Shneur Scheiman100
Ari Y Shemtov36
Avrohom Gourarie112
Chaya Mushka Silver18

The town of Wheeling, Illinois has a diverse population of 38,000 residents of different nationalities and ages. From the unaffiliated American family, to the intermarried Jewish-Asian couple, to the Ukrainian refugees, Wheeling is the melting pot in need of its first Jewish Center to cater to its 4,000 Jewish residents.

In addition, Wheeling’s new Town Center has attracted an influx of young professionals, with a 20% Jewish clientele. 

Rabbi Mendel and Mushky Shmotkin, along with their baby Chana, are moving to Wheeling, Illinois, to establish the first Chabad Center there.

Throughout their pre-Pesach and Chanuka visits, the Shmotkins have met some Jewish residents and shared meaningful encounters.

 “We feel like we’re the only Jews in town!” one couple remarked. “We would love for our daughter to meet other Jewish teens.” 

“Having Chabad in my own hometown would be my dream come true!” another woman expressed.

These encounters charged the Shmotkins with a sense of urgency to begin their Chabad activities and cater to the different demographics in the town.

The new Shluchim have been appointed by Rabbi Shmuel Katz, Shliach to the northwest suburbs of Chicago and Rabbi Meir Shimon Moscowitz, Head Shliach to the state of Illinois.

Chabad of Wheeling is fortunate to be a part of the 1,210 new mosdos established for the Rebbe’s 120th birthday. 

Please consider partnering with them as they embark on the Rebbe’s Shlichus, preparing each corner of the globe for the coming of Moshiach!

Zelle: [email protected]

Cashapp: $wheelingchabad