Support Radically Inclusive and Equitable Health and Wellness






We believe that everyBODY and everyABILITY should have equal opportunity and access to health. 

Our inclusive organization supports folks experiencing intellectual, developmental and/or physical disabilities by providing a whole person approach to health and wellness through therapeutic yoga practices, support groups, peer-led classes, community initiatives and supported employment opportunities. 

We believe that by offering accessible and people-informed holistic wellness practices to people who experience disability, we promote autonomy and empower our members to reclaim their health and voice!

Please join us in supporting preventative and health equity efforts!

Your one-time or recurring donation helps fund our important programming like:

$17 supports one class for one student 

$80 supports five classes for one student

$108 supports unlimited classes for a month for one student

$1,296 supports unlimited classes for a year for one student

Donor Wall 18

Jack | $50

Jack | $50

Jack | $100

Jace | $80

Maxwell Otto | $100

Raised on Twitch from Mesockisgone and his viewers! Happy Holidays!

Rosalie Neufeld | $250

Jack | $50

An absolute pleasure to support an organization that does so much for others

Bonnie | $500

Yen Hoang | $200


You are doing important work! Blessings to you.

Jack | $50

Jack | $50

Maxwell Otto | $125

Jack | $50

Jack | $50

Maxwell Otto | $42

Raised on Twitch from Mesockisgone and his viewers!

Maxwell Otto | $50.84

Raised on Twitch from Mesockisgone and his viewers!

Maxwell | $50

Raised on Twitch from Mesockisgone!