We Made Matt Suffer (It wasn't that bad)






Journalism costs money. Most Canadian outlets don't have any these days, and they can't afford to randomly fly one of their people off to the U.S. and back just to see how the experience goes. At The Line, we have a little bit of money — enough that we can take a chance on something a bit more silly, but not enough to do that without having to sacrifice something else. If you support our work — and our passionate commitment to continue sending Matt into moderately annoying situations for your reading pleasure — please help us recoup the costs of this trip, so that we can be confident in the future if the urge to inconvenience our co-funder strikes again. 


Two nights of a hotel in NYC: $819.32 CAD.

Round-trip flight from Toronto to New York: $589.50 CAD.

Incidentals (Health insurance, cab rides from airport to hotel and back, meals, COVID test): ~$200 CAD.

Total: ~ $1,600 CAD. 

(All purely personal costs were covered by Matt himself, so don't worry about getting stuck with the tab for the Harry Potter flag he got his daughter ... she's into that stuff now.)

The Line Inc. is registered in the province of Alberta. Donations will be treated as revenue for tax purposes.