We Deserve a Better Board is a Political Action Committee registered with the Nevada Secretary of State's Office.
Our EIN number is 93-4312104.
Contributors should note that any contributions cumulatively totaling $1,000 or more require that the individual's or business's name be reported to and displayed on the Secretary of State's website.
Our organization plans to use funds to accomplish the following goals:
Print and distribute information, such as post card mailers and flyers, related to current school board agendas and actions, as well as information about potential school board candidates the PAC supports.
Publish advertisements in local publications in order to inform the public about school board agendas and activities, as well as to provide information about potential school board candidates.
Contribute funds to school board trustee candidates, adhering to the requirements of Nevada Revised Statute and the Secretary of State’s Office.
Purchase materials and supplies to support PAC activities.
Other needs that arise as expenses for PAC activities.