*NOTE: if you would like to register and pay via check, email or call Jay Clark at (325) 669-4808 or jay.clarkranch@gmail.com.* Donate to register for the Friday night dinner & auction at Teddy's Brewhaus and/or the Saturday golf tournament at Brownwood Country Club. Please note the various options for Friday tickets or table sponsorships, options for the golf tournament, and a combination of Friday and Saturday's events. If you would like to purchase multiple tickets/entries, use the custom amount option and leave a comment below to let us know what you're needing (e.g. 2 tickets to dinner plus 2 entries in the golf tournament). If you're interested in other sponsorship opportunities for Friday night and/or Saturday's tournament, we have a number of opportunities available. Contact Jay Clark at (325) 669-4808 or jay.clarkranch@gmail.com to find out how you can support.

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