Wayward Woman Giving Fund

The Wayward Woman Giving Fund is a vibrant giving circle community that encourages women to become micro-philanthropists by giving them the opportunity to be part of a collective giving community. 

Collective giving is an accessible way for anyone to join with others by pooling smaller amounts to fund social change and make a substantial cumulative impact in their community. 

Our focus is on supporting Australian Community Arts and Cultural Development Projects. 

Community Arts and Cultural Development (CACD) involves artists working collaboratively with communities for the purpose of social change through art and culture. 

We welcome Individuals from all backgrounds as Members and Supporters

Wayward Woman Giving Fund is a subsidiary of the Society of Australian Punk Inc. (SOAP) ABN: 91109511418 SOAP is a Registered Charity with the ACNC

These fundraisers are making a difference

Show your support and fundraise today to achieve our goals!

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Excited to becoming involved in this very worthwhile initiative for positive change in the community…