Way of Compassion Foundation

Thank you for supporting the Way of Compassion Foundation

We never charge for our services and offer them all on a donation basis.

Our big vision is to establish a compassion institute and retreat center in the Western Slope of Colorado. A center dedicated to the study and practice of compassion and wisdom and open to different religious, spiritual, and scientific organizations.

We envision a center able to host:

  • Workshops
  • Conferences
  • Youth camps
  • Group and individual retreats
  • Interfaith and scientific seminars
  • Retreats and resources for people in recovery and their family and friends

To bring this vision to life, we are taking a phased approach:

Phase One: Develop our current programs in ways that meet the needs of communities we serve and ensure they are on sound and sustainable financial ground.

Raise $65,000 to cover the 2022 operating budget. We already have about half of that covered with our current donors. This will allow us to have all of our normal operating expenses covered so we can focus on developing and growing our current programs:

  • Dharma Center: In addition to our regular teachings, we have an online community with resources, teachings, and morning practice posted daily. We are adding more regular half-day retreats and two residential retreats. We are currently developing self-paced online courses covering all of the fundamentals of Buddhism, the practical application of Buddhist teachings for non-Buddhists, and daily practices.
  • Compassion Film Festival®: Due to the amazing efforts of many volunteers and the guidance of Aaron Taylor, we have now hosted 4 annual festivals and several quarter events. We want to continue this synthesis of compassionate people, ideas, organizations, and activities. We hope to create a paid position to grow and manage the festival and host year-round events.
  • Recovery Resources: As the pandemic struck, the need to support people struggling with both addiction and recovery, as well as their family and friends grew exponentially. We were able to host online events, workshops, develop an online course, all offered on a donation basis. We plan to collaborate with professionals in the healthcare field to provide a wide range of resources and support regardless of anyone’s ability to pay.

Phase Two: After completing phase one, we will have programs that have a meaningful impact on the world and are financially sustainable. We will then establish a committee to explore the feasibility of the compassion institute and retreat center, develop a business plan, budget, and offer proposed steps and funding strategies. Every journey begins with the first step and every vision comes to life through the efforts of many.

We invite you to join us! If this vision speaks to you, help us bring it to life by making a monthly or one-time donation.

The Way of Compassion Foundation is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and all donations are tax-deductible.

We believe all people, regardless of race, religion, gender, or identity, deserve to live a meaningful and happy life. It is our belief that this can be accomplished when people have the resources and tools to live the life of their choice – with attention and intention. A life that is in alignment with their own values and allows them to flourish.