Monthly Aid from WarTranslated: January 2024

€ 21,418.33



€ 18,000


WarTranslated Monthly Aid package. January 2023

We are launching a special fundraising campaign for 3 Separate Special Purpose Regiment, with the goal of providing them with NAFO Truck 2.0.

Possible donations:

From €100: 1 patch.

From €200: 2 patches.

From €300: 3 patches.

From €750: 3 patches + Ukrainian unit original patch.

From €1,500: 3 patches + Ukrainian unit original patch. + your text on the truck (max 3-5 short words, max 30 characters.)

From €2,500: 3 patches + Ukrainian unit original patch + your text on the vehicle (max 3-5 short words, max 30 characters.) + your country flag on the truck + a Ukrainian unit flag.

From €10,000: 3 patches + Ukrainian unit original patch + your text on the truck (max 3-5 short words, max 30 characters.) + your country flag on the truck + you join the convoy to Kyiv, Ukraine. 


Step 1: Make your donation.

Step 2: Request the patch by filling the form.