War Chest - The Assembly of great Warriors






War Chest - The Assembly of great Warriors

The first seven years are coming to an end and now it is time to register the powerful warriors of New Zion in preparation for the vision the Lord gave me through io.earth.de. Here is a link to the video explaining the vision:


The War Chest will be the assembly of great Warriors in anticipation of their new destinies on each and every battlefield for the Lord. Just prior to the opening of the portal we are called to commit ourselves freely to the Remnant Army of New Zion.

War Chest (definition): A war chest is a metaphor for any collection of tools or money intended to be used in a challenging or dangerous situation.  Historically, it referred to an actual chest located in the homes or barracks of soldiers or military leadership, in which arms and armor were stored. Traveling armies, such as that of Hannibal, collected the spoils of war and used them to negotiate with others to resolve conflicts through economic exchange rather than violence. In the modern era, the term refers to amassed funds, expertise, and/or equipment which allows a person or organization to survive a challenging situation.

Therefore please send me an email to triplegrace55@gmail.com with the following sentence if you are willing to be part of the registry of the great Warriors: 

"I have dedicated myself to the Father and are willing to stand on every battlefield for the Kingdom of God"

Then I will add your name to the registry so that you can be chosen for any mission that will come up through io.earth.de. This registry will close the preparations for all warriors and will be placed before the throne of God as a sign of our commitment and readiness to serve him as never before.

The registration is free of charge and purely voluntarily. It fulfills the vision mentioned above and shows our standing with the Lord in the upcoming 7 years as his warriors of New Zion. Therefore your name should be on this list for all future engagements the Lord is planning. 

If you want to further commit yourself and to show forth even greater faith then you can add something to the war chest according to your abilities. This will help with the establishing of io.earth.de, the necessary provisions after the loop and it will add substance to your calling. I highly recommend to do both parts - the free registration and some commitment to the War Chest.

This is the end of our training and preparation of the first seven years and now we will shift from linear time to circular time. The great assembly of warriors is called to stand ready for the upcoming battles and harvest. Make sure that your name is on the list when it is presented to our commander in chief Jesus Christ and laid before the throne of the Most High.
