Judge Nancy Mulder Campaign

Donate By Mail:

Judge Nancy Mulder Campaign

13901 Midway Rd. #102 PMB 498

Dallas, Texas 75244


PLEASE READ: Under Texas law, judicial campaigns must follow donation limits and rules set by the Texas Ethics Commission. Individuals and non-corporate entities may contribute a maximum of $5,000 for each election. The primary, any resulting primary runoff, and the general election are treated as separate elections with reset donation limits for each. For purposes of the $5,000 limit per person, any donation by a person's minor child/dependent counts toward that person's limit. Please note that Texas law has changed so that the non-dependent spouse of a donor can also give $5,000 and it does not count towards the limit for the other adult/s in the household (example: an adult couple living in the same house can donate $5,000 each, in separate donations). Texas judicial campaigns may not accept donations from traditional corporations; however, professional corporations and partnerships that do not include a traditional corporate member may contribute (example: PLLC, LLP, PC, and other typical law firm entity types). A law firm entity and its members may donate up to $30,000 maximum per election, as long as no individual donation exceeds $5,000 (example: a firm donates $5,000, and five members donate $5,000 each, for a grand total of $30,000). Total contributions from general-purpose political committees, including monetary and in-kind contributions, may not exceed $300,000. If you have questions about these rules, please contact the campaign.