Support Voices of Bradfield

The rising force of independents in Australian politics is having a positive impact on our nation.

Voices of Bradfield calls for integrity and effectiveness in Federal politics. We will do that by supporting an Independent candidate in Bradfield in the next Federal election. We are building a voice in our democracy for the people of Bradfield. 

Your support is making this possible. Your donation will fund Voices of Bradfield, helping with events, printing, communications and community outreach.


Donate today to Voices of Bradfield.

Your Impact

✔️ $35 will buy three corflute signs

✔️ $55 will print 500 factsheets

✔️ $100 will reach 3,000 people on Facebook

✔️ $1,000 will print enough flyers to cover half the electorate

✔️ $5,000 will cover the cost of an advertising campaign

NOTE: Donations to Voices of Bradfield Inc are not tax-deductible. Our payment channel is Donorbox, a US-based company used by many Australian not-for-profits. All payments are made in Australian dollars directly to Voices of Bradfield's bank account.

Voices of Bradfield (VoB) is a membership-based incorporated association in NSW, Australia, registration #INC2100484. VoB is not-for-profit. VoB is not a charity and does not have deductible gift recipient (DGR) status. Any questions on deductibility of donations should be directed to your tax accountant. Authorised by N. O'Brien for Voices of Bradfield Inc. General rules about donations are set out below, with links to the relevant pages on the website of the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC). Please note that the federal government has advised that it will likely amend the current laws on donation reporting and campaign funding in the latter part of 2023. Always check the AEC’s website for the latest information. This general advice is current as of 27 April 23: • Any entity created to specifically support an independent candidate in Bradfield, such as VoB, is required to record the name and contact address of any person or entity that makes a donation, and is required by the Electoral Act (( and the Referendum (Machinery Provisions) Act ( to disclose the name and contact address of any person or entity that makes a donation which is in aggregate above the disclosure threshold ( to the AEC. • Anonymous donations cannot be accepted. • Donors will also need to lodge a donor return after an election or referendum, which VoB can help you with. • VoB cannot accept donations over $100 from foreign residents for either the referendum (or a federal election. Please direct any questions to