Thank you for donating to Viva Los Gatos Cat Rescue!
Viva Los Gatos is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) charitable organization that is staffed exclusively by volunteers and has no paid employees.
We depend entirely on contributions, fundraisers, and adoption fees to cover expenses directly related to foster care. You can be confident that 100% of your donation is used exclusively to help kitties in need.
Please help us herd more cats!
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Let your friends know that you support Viva Los Gatos and their work to place kitties in loving forever homes. Just click the social media link below and share how much you care!
Viva Los Gatos Cat Rescue is a tax-exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Your gifts to Viva Los Gatos are fully tax-deductible as permitted by the law. No goods or services were exchanged for this tax-deductible gift.