As the mother of a DMPS 2nd grader, the educational outcomes of students are personal to me. My candidacy for the Des Moines Public School Board is an extension of my parental concerns and lifelong dedication to education, empowerment, and community progress. I know the decisions our school board makes today will shape the opportunities and future of not just my son but all our community’s children.
Your financial support will help me get the word out and get elected this November. All donations are welcome and appreciated!
Thank you for your support!
Victoria Henderson Weber
Donor Wall 9
Andrew Richardson | $78.40
Good Luck! We support all you are doing. Keep up the hard work.
Carl McPherson | $26.34
Mickey Carlson | $104.42
Paula Bell
I wish you the absolute best in securing this very important role. I know you will be amazing.
Foy | $104.42
In a time & day where it seems that extremists are taking over school boards left & right, it is good to know there are still those offering an glimmer of hope and are willing to roll us their sleeves and get in the fight.
Betty | $156.48
Go Victoria! The Des Moines school board needs you!
arnold woods | $52.37
Lu SPAINE | $104.42
Jami | $104.42
Good luck Victoria! Des Moines School board will be lucky to have you!