Uthando (Love) South Africa
Uthando (Love) South Africa a reputable Non Profit Organisation based in Cape Town, South Africa. Uthando has been in operation since March 2008, and has an excellent track record of providing support to a broad range of innovative, impactful, independent and inspiring community development projects across a broad spectrum of sectors including education, early childhood development, urban agriculture, youth development, senior citizens, animal welfare, feeding schemes, disabilities, skills development, homelessness, arts & culture and centres for abused women and children.
2023 (per year)
- Goal50 Early Childhood Development (construction): $700,000.00
- 1 urban micro farmer support: $1,000.00
- 1 loving home for 6 children: $14,000.00
- 1 child’s education per year: $3,700.00
- 1 child’s attendance at music school: $1,600.00
- 1 nourishing meal for day for 1 person: $200.00
- 1 senior per year: $1,000.00
- 1 graphic design course for an unemployed person: $2,150.00
Uthando Social Development Projects, South Africa
Registered Section 21 Company 2007/030289/08
NPO 061-321
PBO 930 026 218
Physical Address:
Office 5, Harfield Village Centre,
48 2nd Avenue, Harfield Village, Claremont, 7708, South Africa
Tel : Office +27 21 683 8523
Website: www.uthandosa.org
Does your company match donations?
Match forms can be sent to info@gsgivingcircle.org
Check Donations can be sent to:
Global Sojourns Giving Circle
Attention: Heidi Johnson Bixby
275 West 3rd Street, Suite 600
Vancouver, WA 98660-2916
Checks to be made out to:
Global Sojourns Giving Circle
Include note: Uthando (Love) South Africa and donation designation.
Donor Wall 9
David | $1,041.44
Thank you, James, for showing Mayme and me the incredible early childhood development and microfarming projects around Cape Town. We hope this contribution will help them achieve their goals. David & Mayme
Vaya Adventures | $4,290.05
West Friedman | $104.42
You and your work are so inspiring. We visited a senior center where the students sang and danced for us, a school, and a vegetable garden that was feeding the neighborhood. Are hearts were full.
Laurie | $104.39
Visiting the township with Xolani was an important experience. The work of Uthando and the tour were respectful and informative. It gave us an insight into the progress that is being made with the children, young adults and women. We are glad to have an opportunity to assist this critical work.
Kevin and Catherine
Jodi Rasor | $52.37
Thank you for the amazing work you are doing!
Shannon Lamarche | $104.42
Stephanie Jeffreys | $208
Uthando is amazing and I am honored to support the work they are doing.
Lauren | $340
Cannot wait to meet James and Xolani in a few months! So excited for this part of our trip.