The USP Compounding Project

If Your Pharmacy Compounds Medications, There’s Something You Need to Know . . .

Effective November 1, 2023 the Arizona Board of Pharmacy will require pharmacies that compound medications for patients to comply with USP General Chapters 795, 797 and 800. 

Community pharmacies lead the industry in maintaining a safe, sterile environment for compounding medication. But the latest USP requirements go too far, and will drive many already-struggling community pharmacies to the brink of closure if adopted.

Arizona Independent Pharmacy Coalition and the Arizona Pharmacy Association are partnering with local compounding pharmacies to ensure our state Board of Pharmacy takes a smart, safe, common sense approach to the latest USP requirements and we need your help

To help keep compounded medications affordable and safe for your patients, please:

  • Donate to our legal defense fund. We’ve retained the counsel of Boesen & Snow.

  • Email or send a letter to the Arizona Board of Pharmacy urging them to include Boesen & Snow on the agenda of the August BOP meeting 

We’re working to save independent pharmacies in Arizona. Please help us ensure the survival of our industry in our state!