Uniform Campaign 2020
Soksan International School (SIS) has been closed since March 2020 - We can finally look forward to re-opening for the students on 8th November 2020!
With such a long break from school, it can sometimes be difficult to encourage the children to return to school, what gets them really, really excited is when they have some fresh new uniforms to come to school in.
These uniforms serve a couple of incredibly important purposes:
1. These uniforms are often the only clean clothing the children are supplied with other than one outfit at home
2. The uniforms protect our children as it identifies them as students of SIS and they are left alone and not bullied or picked on at the public schools
3. The uniforms give the children a sense of belonging and pride
We also need to supply all our teachers with new uniforms too. We have recently rebranded and would love to provide our children & teachers with new uniforms as a massive big welcome back to school in November.
Our other project (ONE Day Spa) also requires new uniforms for our staff and students
The cost is $12.50 per uniform for children, teachers & staff, and we wish to supply each person with 3 uniforms... can you help?
Any donation you can manage will be greatly appreciated.