Ukraine Matters 8 - Deeper & Deeper

104.624,89 €



100.909 €



Philippe Bassat | €5

David Minicz | kr200

To Everyone in russia supporting this war: BURN RUSSIA BURN!

Deborah | €104,13

Thank you Gyorgy for all that you do for Ukraine, you are a rock star! Slava Ukraine!!!

Richard | €30

Ukraine Matters! Together we are stronger! Glory to the Heroes!

Andre | €52,32

Never stop supporting Ukraine! Slava Ukraini!

Douglas Cramer | $21,23

Everyday for a thousand days Russia has been murdering Innocents , including women, and my God, so many children. It baffles me how Russian apologist's are allowed to exist . Ukraine must be given 'Carte Blanche' to aggresively hunt down all Russian war criminals and bring them to a Functioning 'World Criminal Court'

Pontus Klemetz | €104,12

Ukraine Matters! Greetings from Finland!

Philip Holdship | €52,21

To the heroes of Ukraine both military and civilian. My donation is not enough. It's never enough, but I send it in hope that it will make a small difference and to honour your bravery against Russian aggression. Phil - Manchester, United Kingdom.


Never surrender


Ukraine Will WIN!!!!

Risto | €100

Kris | €104,13

Roman Stingler | €104,13

James Perry | €25

May God bless your efforts. I wish it could be more.

Raivis | €52,21

Guido Kalitzki | €110

für Zhenja

Claus | €52,21

hans ericsson | kr518,59

The Kindergarten teacher with manpad

Jodan Vichev | €500

Mitchell | C$155,16

Bruce | $21,08

Rob Filips | €10

With you Ukraine Rob Filips from Canada

Richard Laframboise | €207,98

Glory to the brave men and women of Ukraine fighting for democracy.

Pierre | €779,11

I was planning to give about 100 or 200 this month. After Trump won, it will be 750 for November. I will support Ukraine as long as it takes. To victory.

Frank Presson | €104,13

Bob Shiell | C$155,16

Dimitry | €102,35

It was Kyiv who baptized moscow, it will be Kyiv who will sing moscows funeral rites. Razom za peremohy! Slava Ukraini, Heroyam Slava!


Giancarlo | €5,69

Martin U | C$26,40

Stay Strong! Canadians are with you!