UK Battalion - V for Victory






Donor Wall106

Charles Pratte | £104.37


Jonathon Will | £88.81

The age of conquest is over. Sovereignty for all.

Stefan | €105.43

Let's reach that 10M goal this year! With love from Germany. слава україні!

Anonymous | £104.37

For Sacha, our brave 15 year old refugee, I hope you can return home soon and your home will be in Ukraine.


Owen | £85

Jørgen Thyme | kr.787.27

Paul Crowe | £104.39

“SISU!”. (Finnish) Those of us who know; know…. Stay Strong; Keep Safe! Slava Ukraini! (Jake Broe Team UK)

Scott | CHF99.19

It's time for a Rexit from Ukraine!


Slava Ukraini from Seattle. Keep the fight going! 🇺🇦


Slava Ukraini!

Charles | £85

Never give up. Victory will be Ukraine's.

Paul | £88.75

Onward to Victory


Слава Козацькому Роду! Слава Медичному батальйону!

Sarah | £10.87


PJ Grogan | £171.47

For orc removal

James | £26.41

Sorry about the small amount. Thank you for the organisers of this aid. My gratitude to the defenders of Ukraine. Our leaders need to do more. North Koreans and Iranians involved in an open aggressive attack on a sovereign European nation. Ukraine should be given everything now. I’ll donate more when I can. 🇺🇦🇬🇧.

Thomas | £88.58

Слава Україні

Toni Ahcin | €107.23

Slava Ukrajini


Ewa | £10

The only amount I could afford but anything for Ukraine. Keep going guys. With you 100%

Aivaras Stabingis | £88.52

Kill more orcs please

David | £25

Slava Ukraini

Fiona Armstrong | £88.52

Kjetil Helgesen | kr150

Keep going!

Daphne | £15

Michael Shiozaki

Anonymous | £20

philipp hengstenberg | €207.74