Two earthquakes have struck Turkey near the Syrian border.  With more than 47,000 people killed, thousands of children and families have been forced from their homes, exposing them to freezing temperatures and snowstorms.  These families are desperately in need of food, shelter and warm clothing as well as safe spaces for women and children and psychological support to process their experiences.

Children in Need are working hard to prioritise the immediate, lifesaving needs of families by:

  • Distributing temporary shelter tents and essential emergency relief items
  • Providing cash to families who have lost there homes and belongings so they can buy food, medicine and other essentials
  • Ensuring access to clean water and essential sanitation items so families can keep clean, heathy and protected from illness and disease
  • Deploying their Emergency Health Unit of specialist health workers
  • Reuniting unaccompanied children with their families or supporting safe alternative care
  • Providing psychological support to children and their caregivers to help them overcome this traumatic experience

If you can, please donate to help us support Children in Need to get life-saving supplies to terrified children and families who've lost everything.

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Veronique | £20