




Please support the launch of our Terborgh Terrace Garden, where all produce grown will be donated to local Arlington food pantries!

We’re looking to raise $21,500 by May 1st to fund the essential start-up items necessary to take full advantage of the spring planting season.


Our urgent needs range from basic but critical tools like garden shears ($20) and rakes ($30) to larger items including compost bins ($300), a permanent shed ($1,200), and the vitally important deer-proof fencing ($5,000) that protects our crops.


Your donation of any size will provide needed garden essentials and help establish a new and vibrant community resource. Thank you!

volunteers pulling weeds from the garden beds

signs for NVCT, the TTG, and Plot Against Hunger at the property's official dedication event in 2023.

All donations to the Terborgh Terrace Garden Campaign are tax deductible to the full extent of the law and are restricted for the purposes of stewarding the Terborgh Terrace Garden property in perpetuity.

The Northern Virginia Conservation Trust (NVCT) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization based in Annandale, VA. NVCT affirms that no goods, benefits, or services are received in exchange for your gift. All donations to NVCT are fully tax deductible as permitted by law and our federal EIN number is 54-1724626.