Tri-Star Arts

Connecting + Promoting Contemporary Art in Tennessee


Click here for our Annual Letter and Overview

If you enjoy, appreciate or intrigued by what Tri-Star Arts is doing, would you partner with us by becoming a Member through a contribution of $5/month or more?

Your dollars will specifically go toward our exhibitions, visiting speakers, online art hub (, Tennessee Triennial planning and matching funds for grants we have received from Tennessee Arts Commission and Metro Nashville Arts Commission. 

You can give online here,  or checks can be made payable to Locate Arts and mailed to: 

Locate Arts 

PO Box 1268

Knoxville, TN 37902

We would love to talk to you about Locate Arts, our future plans and how you can partner with us. Email us at to start a dialogue.

 Tri-Star Arts is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization.